Wasps, Hornets, and Honey Bees

by Kathleen Corrigan


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A young learner’s fascination for bugs and creepy crawlies will be satisfied by this nonfiction text about wasps, hornets, and honeybees. Detailed pictures help students to learn about these fascinating insects. At the same time, they will be challenged to find words that begin with consonants whose names do not link to a specific sound – h, w, and y.

The Search for Sounds series is designed to help students develop phonemic awareness within the context of story and picture. Students are presented with wordless books and have fun finding items in the pictures that highlight target sounds. Each sound’s related letter is also on the page in a clear lowercase font. Cumulative read-aloud texts linked to the pictures are read by the teacher and present social studies and science concepts of interest to young children. Some of the books include recurring characters exploring the topics while others are more typical nonfiction. Interest will be generated as your students work to isolate, identify, and link the sounds to words. The books include lists of suggested words/sounds to search for as well as a note to the caregiver.


  • Series
    The Decodables, The Decodables: Search For Sounds
  • Genre
  • Copyright
  • Grade Level
  • Fountas & Pinnell Level
  • Lexile Level
  • Dewey Number
  • Binding
  • ISBN