Tim Has a Fit

by Kathleen Corrigan


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Young readers will empathize with poor Tim as he experiences a series of mishaps. Eventually, his young daughter brightens his day by dancing a little jig. While following Tim’s misfortunes, students will have the opportunity to decode many examples of short i C-V-C patterned words. A few simple high-frequency words along with decodable words containing short a are woven into the text. The readers will soon be dancing their own jigs after successfully reading a new book.

Students will be excited to explore this series of decodable books for early readers. Recurring characters and familiar contexts such as home or a park are mixed with humor, action, and fun. Readers will cheer as Ben gets a new pet or Zack sees a whale. Each cumulative book is for readers just beginning to decode words. The books begin by introducing the short vowels one at a time within a consonant-vowel-consonant pattern. Later books encourage the readers to incorporate consonant digraphs into their blending. Limited high-frequency words and supportive pictures help the reader successfully navigate the text while they practice essential decoding skills. Each title includes a note to the caregiver and a word list that is organized by Focus words, High-Frequency words, and Challenge words.


  • Series
    The Decodables, The Decodables: Friends and Family Fun
  • Genre
  • Copyright
  • Grade Level
  • Fountas & Pinnell Level
  • Lexile Level
  • Reading Level
  • Dewey Number
  • Binding
  • ISBN