A Complete Set: iScience (30 books) – Paperback

by Emily Sohn and Adam Harter, Emily Sohn and Barbara Foster, Emily Sohn and Barbara Linde, Emily Sohn and Diane Bair, Emily Sohn and Erin Ash Sullivan, Emily Sohn and Frederick Fellows, Emily Sohn and Joel Gendler, Emily Sohn and Joseph Brennan, Emily Sohn and Judy Kentor Schmauss, Emily Sohn and Karen J. Rothbardt, Emily Sohn and Katie Sharp, Emily Sohn and Laura Townsend, Emily Sohn and Lisa Klobuchar, Emily Sohn and Nina Tsang, Emily Sohn and Pam Wright, Emily Sohn and Patricia Ohlenroth


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The revised and updated iScience series focuses on a fresh and fun approach to scientific inquiry. Each book offers connections to science in the real world through an iScience puzzle and discover activity. Through exploration and application, readers will strengthen their critical thinking skills, while also making history and career connections. Three levels in this series offer increasingly more challenging text and problem-solving activities. Aligns to grade-appropriate reading levels and Next Generation Science Standards.


  • Series
  • Genre
  • Copyright
  • Fountas & Pinnell Level
    Multiple within set
  • Lexile Level
    Multiple within set
  • Reading Level
    Multiple within set
  • Dewey Number
    Multiple within set
  • Binding
  • ISBN