Girls Play to Win Softball

by Marty Gitlin


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Step to the plate and swing for the fences! Softball has grown from a spontaneous game to serious business. What began as an indoor ballgame is now one of the most popular womens sports. Stars like Joan Joyce and Jennie Finch helped it get there. Now players such as Cat Osterman and Monica Abbott are leading the charge. Grab a ball, bat, and glove and get ready to join them!

The history, the rules, and the heroines: these nonfiction accounts of women’s sports relate the interesting insights of each sport, including the rules, game play, and standout athletes. Girls looking for role models as well as the “hows and whys” of their favorite game will find the answers in these fresh, accessible titles. Part history, part biography, and part instruction, Girls Play to Win allows readers to access “everything they want to know” about the game. More than an introduction, this series takes what is likely an existing interest and allows the reader to delve deeper. Content consultants are real-world experts that include Olympic athletes and coaches.

Library Media Connection’s Editor’s Choice


  • Series
    Girls Play to Win
  • Subseries
    Sports, Womens Sports
  • Genre
  • Copyright
  • Grade Level
  • Fountas & Pinnell Level
  • Lexile Level
  • Reading Level
  • Dewey Number
  • Binding
  • ISBN