Pete and Eve spend a wonderful day at the theme park. They are joined by their friends Jane and Nate and together the children try new rides. Readers will have a chance to try using their new decoding skills as they read the book and encounter several one-syllable e_e words along with sounds taught in previous books in this series.
Activities with Friends is a set of six delightful decodable books designed to provide young readers with chances to work with long vowels in vowel-consonant-e pattern words. The cumulative stories are peopled with a recurring set of young friends who have lots of fun playing and exploring together. Readers will feel right at home as they discover the friends’ adventures while also discovering their talents as decoders of long vowel words. Each book in the series includes a note to the caregiver and a word list that is organized by Focus words, High-Frequency words, and Challenge words.
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