A Complete Set: Language Builders (7 books) – Paperback

by Ann Malaspina, Darice Bailer, Joanna Jarc Robinson, Megan Atwood


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The Language Builders series helps young readers learn how to use the English language correctly. They join in on the fun as friends learn the basics of finding different types of words in a sentence and using them correctly. Each book in the Language Builders series covers a different part of speech. From adjectives to interjections, they learn how these parts of speech electrify writing! Activities in the back of the book provide additional information and practice identifying and using each part of speech.

Teachers’ Notes


  • Series
    Language Builders
  • Genre
  • Copyright
  • Grade Level
  • Fountas & Pinnell Level
    Multiple within set
  • Lexile Level
    Multiple within set
  • Reading Level
    Multiple within set
  • Dewey Number
    Multiple within set
  • Binding
  • ISBN